您现在的位置:安吉恒宇竹木制品有限公司 > 公司介绍 |
AnJi HengYu Bamboo&Wood Products Co.,LTD. is one of the most professional bamboo flooring manufacturers in China. With several years of experience in producing various types of bamboo products, we currently produce bamboo flooring series products. The production is approximately 400,000 square meters of floor ing annually.
Our main products including bamboo flooring, bamboo floating flooring, stair boards, bamboo paneling, bamboo accessories and other bamboo decorative materials. Our factory covers a total area of 60,000 square meters, and includes an advanced working house and high accuracy machines.
Over the many years, we have trained many specialized employees who fully understand the production machines and the technical details involved in bamboo processing. We have also developed a modern administration system to ensure continued high quality products.
Additionally, we engage in environmentally responsible practices and have removed all toxic chemicals from our manufacturing processes. Please send us your specifications and requirements, or feel free to contact us with any questions or inquiries that you may have. We sincerely look forward to hearing from you.
安吉恒宇竹木制品有限公司位于著名的中国竹乡 --- 安吉县境内。这里有着非常丰富的竹木资源,商品竹林面积居全国首位。竹子在东方不仅是优雅、挺拔、坚毅的象征,而且由于它本身的材质性能良好,所以被广泛地运用于人们生活中。
我公司运用先进工艺、经过二十几道工序生产的优质竹地板,采用多年生孟宗竹 ( 又称毛竹、楠竹)作为原材料,具有防霉变、防虫蛀、坚固耐磨、实用性强等优点。由于竹制地板具有色泽清新自然、平整光滑、强度大、韧性好、耐磨损等特点,所以一经出现便被广泛用于室内装修。而且由于中国有非常丰富的竹子资源,竹子的成材时间短,自身的繁殖能力强,这些都为竹制地板的大面积推广奠定坚实的基础。在当今木材资源越来越紧张情况下,竹制地板越来越受到重视,被人们称作是环保产品。丰富的生产经验、严格的质量意识、优质的服务使得我们能够提供给客户高质量的产品。我们的产品已经出口到美国、欧洲、澳洲等国家和地区。
我们的目标是为客户提供 100% 满意的产品和一流的服务。竭诚欢迎世界各地的朋友莅临我公司参观洽谈! 商铺网址:http://ajhengyu.cn.vooec.com |